10 Ways to Have an Affordable, Waste-Free Thanksgiving

It’s Thanksgiving time… “Do you want to get a free-range turkey for Thanksgiving?” My husband texted me a local farm’s screenshot for $5.99/pound. “Is that a good price?” I’m a vegetarian. I’m happy with a carrot....

Miso Soup with Mustard Greens Will Warm Your Soul

Miso Soup with Mustard Greens What do vegetarians eat when they’re sick? Miso soup since your grandmother’s famous chicken noodle soup isn’t an option. We have to improvise. Miso is a very simple broth to use in anything. It’s fermented bean...

Sanity Tips: Don’t Go Crazy At Report Card Time

Keep your sanity at report card time! The day before report card day is one of four days a year students miraculously care about the number in the grade book. Nobody cared when I said, “Sure, get that to me tomorrow,” or “It’ll be posted on the...

My World-Famous Gluten-Free (maybe even Paleo!) Rice Pudding

Rice Pudding: The perfect dessert This rice pudding is amazing. I used to work at a Greek diner. Rice pudding was one of the desserts that flew off the shelf. I don’t know if this is the exact rice pudding recipe that I learned. I adapt and modify everything as...