“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well.”

Virginia Woolfe

About No-Spend Summer

About No-Spend Summer

Summer used to be about one thing--vacation. Beaches, umbrellas, sand, and fun. Now, it's all about Back to School shopping. According to the National Retail Federation, Americans spent $82.8 billion on Back to School last year. The average family spends almost $700....

Movie Food Smuggling

Movie Food Smuggling

Why would anyone in their right mind pay $20 for a small box of candy and a few kernels fake-butter popcorn after paying a million dollars a ticket to go to a movie--that starts with a half-hour of commercials?  That's insane. Theatre food isn't what I want anyway--a...

A Tale of Two (or more) Avocados

A Tale of Two (or more) Avocados

Avocados: tasty, and all the rage. The minute I discovered people paying $15 for avocados on toast, I knew I should quit my job and become an avocado chef. I'm still working on the details. Meanwhile, I've decided to share some of my favorite recipes for avocados....

Pantry Raid: How to Eat for Free to Pay Your Bills

Pantry Raid: How to Eat for Free to Pay Your Bills

Why I decided to skip grocery shopping for weeks... A couple months ago, I got a large bill for my teacher certification renewal. I was cranky so I posted a question on Facebook to see who else had to pay large fees to keep their jobs. Turns out, a ton of people. The...

FREE Unlimited Kombucha. You Can Make It Yourself

FREE Unlimited Kombucha. You Can Make It Yourself

I was hooked on kombucha the first time I tried it.  It's a sip of bubbly, refreshing heaven. It reminded me of a wine cooler without the wine.  The problem, though, was it's cost. $4-6 a bottle meant that I couldn't have it all the time...unless... I learned to make...

A Simple Sesame Noodle Recipe You’d Better Double

A Simple Sesame Noodle Recipe You’d Better Double

A sesame noodle dish that gives a take-out feel during the middle of the school day... I love cold sesame noodles. They're super easy, fantastic for make-ahead meals, and delicious. This dish is a great summer--or winter dish that can be served hot or cold, and costs...

10 Ways to Have an Affordable, Waste-Free Thanksgiving

10 Ways to Have an Affordable, Waste-Free Thanksgiving

It's Thanksgiving time... "Do you want to get a free-range turkey for Thanksgiving?" My husband texted me a local farm's screenshot for $5.99/pound. "Is that a good price?" I'm a vegetarian. I'm happy with a carrot. I usually make Indian food--the smell of...

Miso Soup with Mustard Greens Will Warm Your Soul

Miso Soup with Mustard Greens Will Warm Your Soul

Miso Soup with Mustard Greens What do vegetarians eat when they're sick? Miso soup since your grandmother's famous chicken noodle soup isn't an option. We have to improvise. Miso is a very simple broth to use in anything. It's fermented bean paste, and it comes in a...